sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

About Exoskeletons - State of Art ( Part Xero )

Well, this is an old post, but I think it's still interesting.

I found the best information at EPFL's web.
http://biorob.epfl.ch/cms/page-36366.html )

They work with an italian research institute
http://www-arts.sssup.it/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=robotics+for+neurorehabilitation ).

The method is the CPG ( Central Pattern Generators )

"Using CPG to control exoskeletons Exoskeletons are particular rehabilitation robots that are worn like an outer shell of the body. In collaboration with the ARTS lab at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy), we developed an innovative control method for an elbow exoskeleton (the NEUROExos) based on adaptive Central Pattern Generators. Conceptually, the elbow moving back and forth (continuous flexion/extension) can be viewed as an oscillator. The adaptive CPG comes to synchronize with this oscillator, and is able to learn its amplitude and frequency. In turn, the adaptive CPG feeds back some torque to the user through the joint actuator, therefore providing movement assistance..."

I also asked for information to a good friend and he gave me two intereseted links
alt text
They use the Statistical method for gait prediction and the Human gait pattern database was collected in Korean Institute of Science and Technology"

The other one lab is the Center of intelligent mechatronics

It's interesting but I couldn't download the publications.

Furthermore, I found an webpage with and interesting state of art, but, it's from a year ago.
University of Tokyo Exoskeleton

Finally, I also found a French lab who analyses and models the human gait
(Institut de Science du mouvemént dans l'Université Aix Marseille)
CNRSLogo tutelleLogo

Some links additional related

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Biomechatronics - State of Art (Part 1)

Some years ago, this word did not exist. So, some friends and me thought that it could be a good name for a group of projects in mechatronics applied to medicine, then, my friends and me call us "Biomechatronics group"; and we made some researches about the analysis gait, electromyography in lower and upper limbs and in lower limb exoskeleton's simulation and control design.
Today, maybe this word is not a trend yet, however, there are more and more people researching and developing this topics
In a quickly search on google, we can find lots of labs and research groups who are called "Biomechatronics group" or "Biomechatronic Lab", like us in the past, however, this is so great because we have now a lot of information and, I guess, there are more people who we can ask about it. Well, I hope most of them want to share their information.
Below, some of them

The Biomechatronics Group  ( MIT Media Lab )
" We are one of over 35 research groups within the MIT Media Lab. Our mission of this group is two fold. 
First, we seek to restore function to individuals who have impaired mobility due to trauma or disease through research and development. 
Second, We develop technologies that augment human performance beyond what nature intends."...


"Our mission is to develop wearable robots that improve human mobility. At present, the are studying ways to improve stability and energy efficiency for individuals whose strength and coordination have been affected by amputation, stroke, or aging using robotic prostheses and exoskeletons. We believe that appropriate mechanical assistance can not only restore function, but can enhance performance beyond typical human limits."...

Autonomous Systems and Biomechatronics Laboratory (ASB Lab) / University of Toronto"Our research focuses on developing intelligent mechatronics and robotic systems to assist humans in dangerous and stressful tasks and/or when a shortage of qualified personnel exists. In particular, our research is dedicated to the development of intelligent mechatronics systems with a primary focus on the design of robots and devices. Examples include the design of intelligent robotic systems, sensor agents and devices for search and rescue, exploration, surveillance, human-robot interaction, medical and health care applications."

"Our Biomechatronics Lab is dedicated ti improving quality of life by enhancing the functionality of artificial hands and their control via human - machine interfaces.
Our research is intended to advandce the design and control of human-machine systems as well as autonomous robotic systems."...

"The goal of the NeuroMechanics & Biomechatronics section of biomechanical engineering is to improve the quality of life humans with a movement disorder. We develop new interventions and diagnostic techniques based on fundamental insight in (impaired) human motor control. This is accomplished through the combination of computational modelling of the neuromechanial system and experiments using techniques from system and control engineering, such as closed loop system identification. This basic research drives the development of devices to contribute to the improved diagnosis and treatment of participants with movement disorders."...
LOPES undressed


This European FP7 project involves partners from Iceland, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Italy.

"At Biomechatronics Research Laboratory, we focus on research problems at the intersection of robotics and human sensorimotor control system. We design and implement mechatronic and haptic interfaces that physically interact with humans for rehabilitation, augmentation and modeling of the human sensorimotor control system."...

Finally, I could find that in TUDelft - University of Technology, of Netherland,  exists an BioMechatronics & BioRobotics group (http://www.3me.tudelft.nl/en/about-the-faculty/departments/biomechanical-engineering/sections/biomechatronics-biorobotics/) and even, the speciality in Biomechatronics of the Master of Science BioMedical Engineering (http://www.tudelft.nl/en/study/master-of-science/master-programmes/biomedical-engineering/msc-programme/specialisations/biomechatronics/).
Furthermore, by chance, I could find also an very interesting opencourseware about Biomechatronics.
Let's try and enjoy.